We at Nile Drip manufacture the UPVC pressure pipes and fittings in diameter ranging from 25mm to 630mm and in different pressure ratings from 2.5 kg/cm2 to 16 kg/cm2 conforming to different national and international standards. uPVC pressure pipes are available in two different jointing systems namely Solvent cement jointing and Quick Fix/ Rubber Ring Jointing

- Used as Mainline OR Sub main in drip irrigation systems
- Water distribution lines, Sewerage transmission lines, Reclaimed water distribution lines, Lift irrigation etc.
Features & Benefits
- Convenient Push-Fit Joints Faster installation, immediate pressure testing and commissioning possible and jointing can be done during any time of the day under any weather conditions
- Smooth Inner Wall Smooth inner wall minimizes frictional losses and scaling due to precipitation
- Various Sizes Available Available in sizes from 20 mm (½”) to 630 mm (24″) as per above standards
- Close Dimensional Tolerances Excellent Characteristics of PVC provided durable pipe with close dimensional tolerances
- Available in Various Pressure Rating and Standards Pressure – 2.5 to 12.5 kg/cm² as per IS & 6-25 kg/cm² as per ISO Sandards – IS:4985, DIN:8062, ISO1452-2
- Advance Manufacturing Technology Advance manufacturing technology and our experience bring the quality products in the market.