
Muhammad Al-Sayed Sons Trading Group ( HWA )

Muhammad Al-Sayed Sons Trading Group (HWA) has distinguished itself in serving the agricultural sector
Each company in the group specializes in a specialized sector in the world of agriculture:
– Nile Drip 💧 :
Specializing in all types of drip irrigation hoses of the highest quality.
– Alalameya For Plastic and Metal Industries⁦ : ⚙️
Specializing in the manufacture of UPVC pipes.
Atarab for modern irrigation supplies 💦 :
Specialized in supplying all requirements for drip irrigation networks (local manufacture – imported).
– Al-Mohammadia Metal Trading & Forming & Miles  ⁦⚙️🔩: ⁦
Specializing in iron trade, metal forming, and implementing agricultural greenhouses and trusses.
Specializing in the construction of trusses.
– Nile Farm & Nile International 🌳 :
Specialized in exporting and importing crops and agricultural products.
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